Hey all! I’ve got a S3 surface that I am currently using with v3. Everything seems to work just fine except around every 5 minutes, the dmx signal seems to drop out/reset-causing all of my fixtures to go to “home” for a couple seconds in black before returning back to the cue. Just curious if anyone else has encountered this issue and has a remedy/explanation for it. I have not encountered this issue before with vista and it seems a little odd for the surface to react in this manner to the v3 software. Thanks in advance!
That is most likely the demo blackout. If you are using mac have you installed the dongle drivers? They are in the extras folder of the installer DMG. Run the Sentinel Runtime installer.
Of course make sure that you do have a channel license dongle plugged in.
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Just thought I would mention I have a S1 and S3 connected and have not experienced any issues when trialling the Vista 3 software.