Vista M1 Not connecting And Shows Caution Arrow in Hardware Manager (Windows, Screen Shots)

We are having a problem with the Vista M1 controller connecting to windows 10. We are experiencing a error when trying to update the driver it seems. I have tried to do use the dongle and vista software on a clean version of windows and I still duplicate

the issue. It seems to only happen when there’s a Windows update. can anybody help me fix this? attached is a screenshot of the error that I see in the hardware in device manager

Hi, I found myself with the same driver problem given by a windows update. How did you manage to solve @ThePearlChurchDenver ?

Try the “how to reinstall Windows USB drivers” tech note on the downloads section of our website.

This should help

I solved it by reinstalling the drivers in windows. This has happened to me several times, several years, is it not possible for the company to solve this problem of drivers that update automatically whenever windows decides to make an update? This only happens with Jands. I had to block windows updates to prevent another time from happening again. Thanks for the reply Jack, kind as always.