I just installed V3 and it is giving me an error that my dongle is not being detected even though it is plugged in. Suggestions?
Looks like I didn’t install the driver for the dongle like the Release Notes said
Im having the same problem and not sure where to find the driver to install.
If you are installing on a Mac there is a folder in the Vista installer DMG file called “Extras”. In that folder is the Sentinel Runtime Installer. Run that to install the dongle driver.
This is also stated in the Readme file in the Vista installer.
I have the same issue however I am running Vista3 on a PC. The dongle is plugged in but it is not being detected by Vista, is there a driver somewhere that needs to be installed for the dongle?
Hello, Please I’m having problems with my V2, once i open the software it shows a warning “no license dongle has been detected on this system”
Is it software or hardware part?
And every 6min the lights goes off and come on 5sec. Please what are the solutions.
Thank you.
First, do you have a license dongle connected to the machine? The steps above are all under the assumption that someone does have a dongle. These steps are to make sure the driver for the license dongle is installed.
If you do have a dongle, and have installed the drivers, then please submit a support ticket with your log files and we can go from there.
So without license dongle USB the software can’t run properly?
Correct, without a license Vista will blackout the data for 5 seconds every 5 minutes.
Aside from that, every other function of Vista will fully work.
I have a dongle but dont know how and where to get the driver to install on my computer
Driver is automatically installed with Vista. If you are having issues see the technotes on the downloads page.