New M1 console added when opening file

It seems everytime I open the show file, it adds another virtual M1 console assigned to my M1 and overrides the previously setup M1. I’m going to try to lock the console, restart and see if that solves the issue. Any one else having this problem? Will locking the first console solve it?

Screenshot added below

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am afraid you have uncovered a bug in this build, we will aim to fix it as soon as possible.

In the meantime, if you press the console menu button at the top left of the virtual console you will be able to press “switch assigned device”. This will move all previously assigned connections and playbacks back to your connected device.

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Yes, the same thing happens with S3.

The fix for this bug can be found in build 3.0.18941.

Windows build

Mac build