I know this is probably not the right spot for this, but… I have an iMac with vista 3 on it, it is connected to a dummy network to control our lights (192.168.0.x Art-net). If I turn on WiFi (192.168.101.x) and connect to our internet connection I loose the lights, if I unplug the lights I get internet…how do I make both interfaces work?
I’m having the same issue on our L5 using sACN with Windows 10. Even with correct IP addresses assigned as soon as I plug in our house network (on completely different IP ranges) we lose all light control. We are unable to use any remote control to the console. Please help.
On Mac, Vista will only use the top network interface in the service order list. Make sure your WiFi adapter is below the Artnet Network adapter in the list.
We are having the same issue with our l5 Windows 10 and sACN, except we have perfect remote connecting, but it may take a couple of reboots to get the sACN to work properly. I don’t understand the issue. I was thinking it was our previous system designer set the sACN network to a 169.xxx.xxx.xxx instead of a 2.xxx.xxx.xxx network. Anyone have insight on this issue?
Any Update on this???!?
Yes, what we finally did was get a USB to ethernet adapter. This fixed everything and we have had no issues since, we have been using splashtop to remote log in with perfect stability.
If vista only uses the top interface in the service order why is there a setting in vista for network interface? Whats that doing?
In Mac, nothing really. This happens to be a Mac issue rather than a Vista issue.
I have the same issue on a non Vista Mac with simply adding network connections for my home internet networks. I can’t drive a wired and wireless adapters at the same time for two different networks. I can’t remember the specifics but I looked it up when I was attempting it and found it was a common Mac issue.