FX intensity

FX intensity is there any way to change sine to square live?

There are many ways to change FX on the fly,

It all depends on how have set up and how your are triggering them

I like to use cuelists for all of my FX, then i can simply change cue to trigger a different effect

This video series might help

Thanks for the reply, I also like to use cuelist, commands and triggers for not only FX but for everything, hence my problem, too many cues and too little space…
I needed to reduce, and I’m looking for a way to change the FX from sine to square without having to trigger each one, eg. 1 LTR sine trigger for spot, 1 for wash, 1 for beam, 1 LTR square trigger for spot, 1 for wash, 1 for beam, and so on.