I have 2 cuelists on my EX console, both made up of 1 cue. Let’s say that one cue is green and the other is blue, and both fade up from 0-100% over 2 seconds. I play the blue cue, and it fades up from 0 to 100%. But when I then hit play on the green cue, there is no fade up, it just comes on at 100%. How can I make it fade up when transitioning from one cue to the other?
Thank you!
I assume you are talking about the same fixtures in both cuelists?
So list 1 is 1 fixture 100% green, list 2 is the same fixture at 100% blue ?
Some things to check:
The COLOR time in your cuelists is actually 2s.
You are not using color wheel or color macro channels? You are using a colormix mechanism ?
Hi Jack,
Thanks for the response and yes, you are quite right in your assumptions, and I picked the colours using the HSV picker. The colour time was actually set to
0s, but changing it to 2s doesn’t totally solve the problem. It produces a smooth transition between the 2 colours, but the second
colour still doesn’t start from 0%. I can get round this by combining the 2 cues into 1 cuelist with another cue in between, and have this set to turn
all lights off with a 0.1s up time, but this doesn’t seem like the best way of doing it. Any thoughts?
I am afraid I am not following your example. Can you provide a short video describing what your issue is and a copy of your showfile. I will be able to explain then.
Thanks Jack, I’ll try and get something over to you in the next couple of days
Submit an official support ticket if you can. We see those straight away.
Hi Jack- sorry to be a pain, but could you explain to me how to do that?
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