As far as I know, Vista does not support AppleScript on Mac at the moment. I would absolutely love the ability to control everything in Vista via AppleScript! The automation opportunities would be endless! For example, I could create a script that would, via AppleScript, control Vista and have it automate the process of creating cuelists with commands in them to fire effects.
I know at the moment, Vista supports Midi and MSC messages for controlling cuelists. And I can select menu options automatically via other software I have (Keyboard Maestro, to be specific). But AppleScript would (ideally) implement functionality for so much more, such as creating new cuelists, sending Command Line messages without actually typing them, or controlling the virtual console without being in the console view. If AppleScript was implemented, here’s a few things I would like to see:
- Command Line commands. For example, tell application Vista to execute command line command “group 3 @ 100”
- Virtual Console control. For example, tell application Vista to set fader level of “fader 1” on “virtual s3 console” to 50% or tell application Vista to press “play” button on “playback 1” of “virtual s3 console”
- Cuelist & playback control. tell application Vista to play cuelist 15 or tell application Vista to create new cuelist
- Complete UI control of the features panel. tell application Vista to click button “Intensity 100” or tell application Vista to click button “color tab”
- Complete UI control of the effects panel. tell application Vista to click button “tap tempo”
- Apply presets, effects templates, snapshots, extracts. tell application Vista to apply effect template 512 to group 3 or tell application Vista to apply preset 21 to group 10
Some of that might be redundant with what can be done via command line, sorry about that. In general, the ability to send Command Line commands via AppleScript and press any button in the UI via AppleScript is what would be ideal.
If AppleScript was implemented, the automation and control opportunities would be dramatically increased for Mac users!