UD 512 vs DMXlan buddy help

So the board at my theatre have decided to implement vista as a new way of controlling the lights. As it stands now they are using the vista Dongle and a DMXlan buddy to transmit over wifi. I don’t particularly like this as I feel it will create to many possible points of failure in the whole set up. My question is, if we were to go with the vista UD512 USB to DMX would i need wifi of not? would it just talk to the software from it all being plugged directly to the PC. May sound like a stupid question but just want to make sure im in the right mind about it.

If you use the UD 512 USB to DMX dongle it would give you 1 line of physical DMX from your show machine to your fixtures connected by a cable, no need for WIFI

If you need more than one physical line the i would suggest getting a node and running DMX over Ethernet using Artnet or sACN

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