Is it possible to dock “virtual console faders” on a second screen the same as with “virtual console displays” ?
I tought it was possible but i can’t find how…
The machine i’m working on right now is on R4 1762
Is it possible to dock “virtual console faders” on a second screen the same as with “virtual console displays” ?
I tought it was possible but i can’t find how…
The machine i’m working on right now is on R4 1762
I mean if you just need faders on a screen, add a virtual EX or MV console and dock it and put the desired cuelists/playbacks on there… maybe I’m not understanding the question.
i can’t dock it on my extende screen, it just keeps floating around there.
I can only dock it in the “console” screen
Have you tried adding an external window? Use the menu View > External Window 1 and then that gives you a window where you can dock it, I think. I could be wrong though.
Just kidding, I tried messing with it and I realized your issue. Vista won’t let you dock a console view anywhere else in the GUI. It would be great if you could move an MV, for example, and dock it in the user configurable window so that you had those virtual console faders you were discussing. @jack.moorhouse can you add this as a feature request?