How to use swing effect?

I want to time my lights so that they change colors in time with a video. I originally used individual cues for each color with the Follow mode so that they run one after the other, but this caused the cuelist to have an insane number of cues for just a couple seconds. I then tried to use a swing color mix to do the same thing, but the effect appears to be playing all the time, even when another cue is active, so when I click on this cue it plays at some random point, not at the start. Thanks for any help!


Try setting the number of Cycles to however many you need. If it is set to Infinite the effect I’m pretty sure the effect will keep running through subsequent cues with tracking active. You could also try “stop effect” in the following cue.

Hope this helps


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Thank you! I’ll try it out when I have time.

I tried out what you suggested, but when I go to that cue, it starts on the second preset, and goes through the list and ends on the first preset, and I can’t figure out how to make the swing effect start on the first preset. I added a screenshot to hopefully explain what I’m saying. Thank you for your help!

go to advanced and tweak the offset value - you will see your steps numbered here, move everything forward or back a step until you see the step you want trigger first, it will take a few goes to get it but its doable !

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Thanks so much!

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