Group Fader Doesn't Work

Followed the instructions on page 247 of the manual on creating a group fader. It just doesn’t work. Any insight on what I might be doing wrong?

No fixtures on in the programmer or cuelists running btw.

Thanks everyone.

It should be as simple as

  1. Select the fixtures you want

  2. Make a group with those fixtures selected

  3. Go to your console window

  4. Drag and drop that group onto a fader playback

  5. Bring up the fader to control intensity

Make sure those fixtures are clear in live

Thanks Robert – unfortunately that doesn’t work. Any other thoughts?

So it sounds like there is something extra going on,

What fixtures are you using ?

Can you post a screenshot of the console wondow woth your group attached

Can you post a screenshot of your fixture chooser with that group selected

Let see whats going on …