[Posted a similar query on Facebook.] When creating a LED fixture definition, it’s straightforward to define the RGB DMX channels with the color mix class. I also understand how to create other colors (Amber, White, uV) using the custom color class.
What I’m not clear on is how custom colors work with the HSV color picker? Do custom colors have to be manually blended in by say, entering in the DMX value or percentage?
You should be able to use the HSV picker and the fixture reflect your chosen hue. Where it seems I struggle is when a custom color class (amber,WW,UV,etc) needs to be utilized. The HSV doesnt seem to utilize those. If I am needing something real specific, I look up the RGBA values for specific color temps. I enter those in manually in the DMX value. It gets darn close.
That’s not quite correct.
The Vista color picker (in whatever mode you have it in) will affect non RGB colors (such as UV, Amber, Lime, Indigo, Mint, Amber, Orange etc)
In the editor:
Add your colormix RGB channels
then for the others add “custom colomix” 1,2,3,and 4.
Label the channel and range with the appropriate color
Vista will then know how to handle those channels.
For example:
And of course after I created a working fixture definition, I noticed that Jack had already created one in the fixture download directory.