Effect issue

Hello- I wonder if someone can solve a problem for me. I am using some studio force 2 lights and am running Vista version 3. My problem is this- I have made 2 cues. The first cue is an intensity wave effect, with the number of cycles set to 1. This gives me single wave of light that passes across the fixtures once, and then stops. The second cue is made up of the same fixtures, fading up from 0 to 100% over 2 seconds. There is a Halt between the two. However, whenever I play the second cue, the first cue still seems to be playing briefly before stopping. I can’t figure out how to stop this from happening!
Thank you!

This is a known issue with X shot FX - which we might look at in a future update.
The solution would be:
Create a 1.5 cue that auto follows from cue 1.
Stop the FX in this cue.
Cue 2 will than fade up correctly


Thanks Jack :+1:t2: