DMX Channels In Use

I’m sure I’ve asked this in the past, but can’t seem to find the answer. Aside from manually counting DMX channels in use over all universes, is there an easier way to see how many are in use? I know About Vista will show the totaled licensed.

No there isn’t an easy way. What you could do is patch a bunch of dimmers to a high unused universe and then eventually Vista will tell you how far over the count you have gone.

This has been brought up before but I don’t remember the reason why it wasn’t as straight forward as expected.

That works. Thank you…

View-Add Dockable Window-Vista Statistics
“Channels” coloumn

I’m pretty sure I remember seeing this under the “About” menu item. There you can see your license count and current usage among other things like release, build and version numbers.

The dockable window works very well - thank you.