Pardon if this isn’t the best place for this.
I use VMWare Fusion on my MBP for Windows so set up a HighSierra VM just to test V3 on so i wouldn’t have to kill my active V2 system until i was ready.
Our S1 desk has a 1024 dongle inside.
When i launch that VM and V3, it sees the dongle in the S1 but not the S1. Can’t seem to sort it out. Clues?
well, i’m running Fusion 11 on macOS.
Normally it’s just for running Win10 for our business apps but this is a clean macOS (pre-Mojave) just for V3 testing.
The USB technically works because it sees the dongle in the S1…just not happy w/ the S1 which is part of why it’s a mystery.
Tks for the link
never used the mac version… is there a place in the vm prefs for usb porting? i think virtualbox has this not sure about your software.
USB porting is part of the app. Works really well and i port USB into Windows all the time.
In this case, the USB ports into the VM macOS install because it sees the Vista dongle that is inside the S1…and it shows the S1 but Vista running in the macOS VM doesn’t see the S1…but does also see the dongle.