As the title says, is it possible to move the update window to another screen or maybe show the update on all screens?
I am pretty sure we changed this in the upcoming R5. Popups happen on the screen they were actioned.
another question on somewhat the same topic:
Is it possible to change the default settings for the “update” popup window?
it now defaults to:
All fixtures
original cue
and both cuelist and presets.
but i practically always want:
selected fixtures
Cuelists (and no presets)
current cue
While the preset update popup defaults to the last used settings, i would like that too for the “update” window
The machine i’m working on right now is on R4 1762
+1 to making pop ups like this default to whatever was last selected while the showfile is open. I’m ok with resetting it once when I open the file, but adjusting something like this multiple times while the file is open can be annoying. I’d love it if the Vista devs took a look at different pop-ups across the system to see which ones might foster a better workflow if adjusted to remembering previous settings.