Touchscreen with Jands Vista i3


I’m running a Jands Vista i3 from 2008 and am wondering what touchscreens have shown to work well or if there is any requirements for a touchsreen.


If it is still on Vista 2 then your only choices are Wacom and Elo.

If it has been upgraded to Windows and Vista 3 then anything that works in Windows will work.

what elo or wacom tablets would work? We still are running vista 2

You would probably have to experiment, I don’t believe a list exists any longer. The Linux distro that the consoles were built on only had ELO and Wacom USB drivers.

I can feel the pathways in my brain reconnecting as I search for the answer to this question…

The only screens that were supported in the Vista 2 Linux days were:
ELO InteliTouch (not Intelitouch plus!) and ELO Accutouch.
… which are highly likely to be surpassed in their current products.
(you may drop on some secondhand screens that used these methods though).