New/future Hardware Ideas & discussions

After seeing peoples intrest and ideas for new Vista features and future Hardware i thought I’d open a new thread so everyone can share ideas and +1 the ones they like !

Haha you beat me to it

I would love to hear people ideas for hardware as that’s the way you physically interact with vista. I would also love to see what the devs and admins are already trying to include.

two words:
motorized faders


Keep the stylus !

But have some kind of hybrid screen that can either work like a stylus screen or be a touch screen :thinking:


Yes agree. Personally I would like to see a big screen and a small screen in some combination. so that I can put Main work flow on the main screen but then a crucial dockable window on the secondary smaller screen.


Hard keys. 100%


Dear Santa Claus,

here is my Wishlist :slight_smile:
Double encoder wheels; the outer ring can be the fine channel…
and it would be nice if they can be a bit bigger then on the L5 :slightly_smiling_face:

Silent knobs and fans

Multi Touchscreen(s) please…

I like a solid console with good quality (industrial) parts.


I would love a dedicated level wheel


a console with more than 2 dmx outputs or native networking on the console.


Here we go then…

Hardware wise I would like to see a range of consoles and wings that have the same layout across them all so that muscle memory doesn’t go out the window, that include motorised faders, a decent amount of i/o (midi, timecode etc) and screens and keyboard

Software -
An improved timecode system (as I’ve laid out in a previous post)

Networking options for backups/multiple network ports etc

Better merging of showfiles with more options for what goes where, moving content from old fixtures to new ones in the showfile (ie fixture 101 in old showfile merges to fixture 201 in new) selecting presets to merge (ie I want to merge in a cuelist to a show, it uses some presets and I can link them to ones in the current show rather than importing in lots of presets)

The ability to do a swing fx to “release” so fx can be layered (ie more than 1 colour fx at a time)

There’s more but those are my priorities. Keep up the good work vista people :slight_smile:


Here’s the current wishlist -

  • The ability to use multiple external screens with touchscreen capability on all - if so connected.

  • Digital Scribble strips above faders that follow page changes

  • Motorized faders - with the ability to expand/“show” an intensity preset on faders so you can quickly make adjustments to on multiple channels

    • With backlit programmable LEDs.
  • Built in keyboard would be nice, that conceals when not needed.

  • dual control multitouch screen, both stylus and fingers - also supports standard multi-touch gestures ie - swipe, zoom, pinch, etc.

  • Multiple I/O ports, network, timecode, USB, console lamps, 5 pin DMX.

  • dedicated Level wheel or dedicated motorized fader for level

  • 2 Long throw (100mm) faders for cross fades, living timing, etc

  • Solid build quality that will take years of button pushes, fader throws, wheel spins, etc.

  • Programmable buttons like the S3/S1 and L5 had

  • Executable/Macro Buttons

  • locking power main

  • built in network switch

  • touchscreen outputs for additional monitors

  • optional playback sections… or different playback options at different price points.


Improve the super payback section and implement the use of faders with midi commands

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What would improve the super playback?


Improve the use of manual crossfade which does not always work well when switching from go button to manual crossfade and vice versa

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The possibility of being able to select the CUE ONLY !! function in the default preferences. and not every time you start the software. thanks

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I wanted to congratulate you all for the work you are doing in the various updates. For me it is one of the best for both graphical interface and ease of use. Thanks and good job


@Rox7 Remember that “Cue only” is an editing function though and not a “storing function”.

Even if you are using “cue only” as part of your “store part” operation this is actually a “cue update” that you are performing.

To provide some further insight though, the “cue only” sate IS saved with the showfile, so if you toggle it on, save the showfile and then reload it at a later date you should find that CUE only is active once a


PS - Thank you for your kind feedback about the updates.We are working hard to make Vista even better than it is now :slight_smile:

Keep the layout of the T2 and L5! For me the workflow in vista is the power, and the layout of the T2 and L5 is brillant and fast to work on, incl. the pen screen and the keyboard DONT hide this in a draw!
Different size of console would be brilliant, A small desk with few fader, but the same screen, keyboard, and encoder layout as the larger desks in the series, for example. as ETC GIO @ 5

Would love to have the ability to insert a command (already a feature) that says “select ____ cuelist”

@Jackson A bit off-topic here, but that’s already a feature (running R5 here) :slight_smile: