When I click Command C , Command V copying is hit or mis sometimes it works sometimes and other times it doesn’t. Is this a known issue?
When copying cues to another cue list it never works.
When selecting fixtures then copying to another cue it’s hit or mis. Sometimes it will past the look backwards.
Now right click copy for copying cues dose work.
CNTRL/Command C will never copy a cue in V3.
This functionality was removed as Vista 2 was too unpredictable at working out whether you wanted to copy a look or entire cue. To copy a cue the shortcut is now “command shift C”. You can still paste this with a normal command v.
There is no known issue with copying looks.
Feel free to submit an official support ticket detailing some examples in your show file if you are still experiencing issues.
I have had the same issue with copying and pasting “looks” from one cue to another. I’m running Vista V3 R2 on a mac mini with an attached s1 console. It seems I can select a set of fixtures, hit cmd-c to copy the look, click on another cue still with the same fixtures selected, hit cmd-v to paste and it works the FIRST time. I do the same thing from another cue with a different look and it pastes the look from the FIRST time I copied the look. Only a restart of the V3 software fixes the issue.
Has this function been removed completely? I utilized this function hundreds of times in a programming session. For example making a transition cue and placing fixtures in the position with an intensity of 0 prior to my start cue. Is this possible to due without having to click through 5 clicks compared to the two button hit of Ctrl- C and then Ctrl- V in the next cue. Even Using the drop down copy and paste will not allow it to copy the parameters.
For the record, we have not removed any functionality.
I have just tested command C / Command V on OSX and it works perfectly for me, as we would expect. I have tested this in both the live programmer and an open cuelist edit as you describe.
Therefore, can you please submit an official support ticket to vistasupport@chroma-q.com.
Please include:
Your OSX version number
Keyboard settings / any custom languages or layouts set
Vista showfile
Explicitly detail the step by step instructions to recreate your issue. For example, select these fixture numbers in this list/cue and copy/paste it to these fixture numbers in this list/cue.
Hi Blake, as below with TJ, can you please submit an official support ticket to vistasupport@chroma-q.com.
Please include:
Your OSX version number
Keyboard settings / any custom languages or layouts set
Vista showfile
Explicitly detail the step by step instructions to recreate your issue. For example, select these fixture numbers in this list/cue and copy/paste it to these fixture numbers in this list/cue.